
ITCOA is a intensive training course that exposes university students to the fundamentals of agroecology, developing an in-depth understanding of the principles and practices of agroecology, agrobiodiversity and their applications, amongst students.
ITCOA is an intensive training course that exposes university students to the fundamentals of agroecology, developing an in-depth understanding of the principles and practices of agroecology, agrobiodiversity, and their applications, amongst students. In 2019, Biovision Foundation together with other partners formulated a program, International Training Course on Organic Agriculture ITCOA to enable East African university students as well as Go-organic staff to disseminate and apply knowledge on healthy agro-ecosystems and techhniques for heightening rural innovations.

They had their capacities built on various transdisciplinary aspects of Organic Agriculture (Organic Agriculture & Development in Uganda, Systems Thinking & Agro-ecosystems Health, Indicators to Describe Complex Systems & Change, Principles and Practices of Organic Farming, Ecological Soil fertility mgt, Integrated pest mgt, Urban farming, Organic Bio-rationales, Energy conservation, Water Management in Tropical Organic Farms, Nutrient Management in Tropical Organic Farms, Soil Fertility Management in Tropical Organic Farms, Pest and disease management, Animal husbandry in the tropics, Value addition/marketing, Permaculture, Bio intensive Designs, Why organic?-Demeter and Green manuring, organic export venture etc)

How can we grow food sustainably and solve the problem of #foodinsecurity? At the ITCOA, students like Naomy Tangus learn how sustainable agriculture works & how they profit: Agroecology is economically viable
Naomy Tangus


NutriProduce offers specialized training both on and off-farm to practitioners keen to build their capacities in food, seed and market systems.